The Gay Wedding Cake – Social Media Duopoly Analogy

Imagine a world in which 2 bakeries have a monopoly on the entire world’s baking market. About 99%.

The other 1% of the market is serviced by a few tiny bakeries.

You want a cake for a gay wedding. The monopoly says, “No that’s a sin.”

Those bakeries receive tax breaks and part of that deal is that they have to be neutral and write whatever you want on any cake you buy. But they refuse to write anything “sinful” on the cake. So they are breaking the law and getting rich off our taxes while doing so.

But they get away with it because they are rich and because the public is convinced that “sinful” messages are not messages because sinning is so bad that NEVER MIND THE LAW! IT’S A SIN! FEELINGS OVER FACTS! NAZI! YOU’RE A NAZI! SHUT UP OR WE WILL DOX YOU, GET YOUFIRED, AND SURROUND YOUR HOUSE WITH WEAPONS AND THREATEN YOR PREGNANT WIFE AS SHE HIDES IN CLOSET!

So you go to one of the tiny bakeries but it’s closed because the landlords were bribed/threatened to evict them.

So you complain. The illegal monopoly says, “It’s capitalism. Free market!”

So you go to one of the few tiny bakeries left. A bakery agrees to bake the cake but they too are shut down by the monopoly.

So you order your cake from a tiny online bakery. They use Amazon to ship it to you. But Amazon drops that online bakery.

So you go to one of the few other tiny bakeries and order your cake. But that one gets closed down too.

“Bake your own cake!” they say. But in this world ovens are too big to fit in homes so people have to use bakeries.

They say you do not need big bakeries to put messages on your cake. Just be a millionaire so you can buy a bakery. But you and other people are not millionaires. So they are literally encouraging inequality – a situation in which only a few millionaires can bake their own cake. Of course that would disproportionately affect people of color, but suddenly they don’t care about that. But you invest and work and become a millionaire and buy a bakery. They convince the landlord to evict you. They scare other landlords away from renting to you. So no cake. No message.

You try to convince the public that this is a bad thing but they all scream “Sinful messages are not protected by the 1st Amendment because sinful speech is not free speech!”

You try to warn them that the government will use this against them at some point but people are convinced that the government is competent, wise and benevolent enough to decide for us what we can say or do (because they are sheep who are easily led to the slaughter).


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