2 World Wide Webs? 2 Americas? 2 English languages?

America & the WWW have been splitting between Authoritarian-Anti-Freedom-LEFT and Libertarian-Pro-Freedom-RIGHT.*

Imagine the left and right hemispheres of a brain being walled off from each other. One body, one nation, one World Wide Web with 2 separate halves.

One side wants freedom and equality and the other opposes freedom and equality.

One side considers people to be individuals regardless of color, sex, orientation, etc. The other side considers people collectively according to color, sex, orientation, etc.

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, etc. have been discriminating against people that one side hates.

Financial services like Paypal, Patreon, and major Banks have been discriminating against people that one side hates.

Wikipedia now has a political bias against the views that one side hates.

The Wayback Machine (www.archive.today) now has a political bias against the views that one side hates.

For now, we use the same dictionaries and speak the same English but that is changing.

Merriam-Websters dictionary now has a political bias against the views that one side hates.

The language split is growing as the Authoritarian-Anti-Freedom-LEFT corrupts their words to serve their political agendas.

Examples: ”racism’, ‘sexism’, ‘freedom of speech’, ‘fascism’, and ‘gender’ are used in new and disfigured ways by the Authoritarian-Anti-Freedom-LEFT.

One side says some speech is violent and should be silenced with real violence and the other side disagrees.

One side is increasingly arguing that science, objectivity, the medical field, even saying that 2 + 2 = 4 are white racist colonialist capitalist tools of oppression against people of color by W.E.I.R.D. (“Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democracies”).

As of now, for the most part, we all use the same language, read the same papers, watch the same TV channels and films, look at more-or-less the same stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.

We get the same search results from the same search engines and use the same web browsers, play the same video games, use the same banks, the same archiving websites, etc.

But this has been changing exponentially.

People who are pro-free speech are being forced off the social media platforms that the Authoritarian-Anti-Freeedom-Left loves so much (because they can report people on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.). We are also forced to use different search engines since Google is compromised. We are also forced to use different web browsers since Chrome, Firefox, etc. are compromised.

It will seem as if we have 2 different realities. One side’s “news media” will say X is true and the other side’s “news media” will say X is a lie . It’s already been happening.

Despite video proof, one side actually believes Nicholas Sandman (the Covington Catholic School kid) did something wrong to Nathan Phillips (the Native American who was harassing Nicholas).

Despite video proof, one side thinks that people exercising their right 1st and 2nd Amendment rights to peaceably assemble and peacefully protest unconstitutional lockdowns were somehow doing something bad.

One side thinks we should obey the governments’ unconstitutional lockdowns and trusts what the government says about C0v1d despite the CDC, Dr. Birx and Dr. Faucci all admitting to faking numbers.

Despite video proof, one side thinks that violent rioters are peaceful protesters.

Despite video proof, one side actually believes that Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t simply defending his life from violent terrorists in Kenosha, WI.

Despite video proof. one side thinks Trump has never denounced racism.

Despite video proof, one side thinks Trump was referring the two sides clashing in the streets of Charlottesville when he said “there were some very fine people on both sides” rather than people on both sides of the statue issue.

Despite video proof, one side thinks Antifa are against fascism.

Despite video proof, one side thinks BLM does not literally engage in terrorism (the use of fear/violence in attempt to force others to meet political demands) or riot or murder.

Of course, the split is already here to some extent. But you know how you argue with regressive leftists on social media about what’s in the news? One day soon you will not communicate with them at all and you will watch entirely different news than them and have an entirely different impression of what is happening in the real world. you will use different banks and maybe send your kids to different schools.


Justin Trouble, 2020

*note: It’s not really a split between left and right. It’s really a split between the far left and everyone else.

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